The task added here just collects some DAILY interesting information about:
- Number of jobs in the server (by group and type).
- Number of builds (by group, type and outcome).
- Execution time of builds (by group, type and outcome).
- Queued time of builds (by group, type and outcome).
- groups are: integration, security, workplace, mobile, performance, dev... other (for non matching groups).
- types are: phpunit, behat, rebase, tobic... other (for non matching types)
- statuses are: success, failure, aborted... other (for non matching statuses).
The task also accumulates all the executions corresponding to the same month under GetUsageStatistics-YYYY-MM.json
By default it runs for "yesterday", aiming to get the previous day processed, with the build being executed daily mid-day. In any case, there is an optional param, called dayToProcess
with format YYYY-MM-DD
that allows to override the default behaviour and pick any day.
Note that there is already a job configured @ Jenkins, that is executed every day @ 12:36 UTC that is, right now, feeding the GetUsageStatistics-2023-06.json
file that contains information since June 01 2013 till "yesterday".
Job link: