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  • jun's avatar
    MDL-49609 mod_lti: Refactor content-item and make it work using JS · c1fae2b9
    jun authored
    * Rebase and resolve conflicts from initial patch.
    * Reorganise contentitem and contentitem_return pages.
    * Add capability checks for contentitem and contentitem_return pages.
    * Move the building of Content-Item selection request to a local
      lib function.
    * Move contentitem_return processing logic to a local lib function.
    * Fix type settings update. Content-item checkbox does not get
      checked/unchecked on load.
    * Fix  tool settings update. Disabled content-item checkbox gets unchecked when
      tool settings form is submitted.
    * Add "Select content" button on load which launches the content item
      selection dialogue.
    * Move hardcoded HTML and JS to mustache templates and AMD modules.
    * Use standard YUI dialog for displaying the Content-Item selection page.
    * Added processing for the following Content-Item properties:
      - text
      - icon
    * On ContentItem selection, fill out form with the configuration data retrieved,
      instead of automatically...