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  • David Mudrak's avatar
    MDL-12192 Language specific label separator instead of hardcoded ': ' · 995f2d51
    David Mudrak authored
    New string is available. Use get_string('labelsep', 'langconfig') to be used
    as a separator between a label and the labelled text. If you want to
    produce <label> HTML element, you may be interested in the new
    html_writer::label() method. Simple selects and URL selects now use it.
    There are bambillion places where ': ' is hardcoded as a separator. I do
    not think we have to fix them manually now (and mass search and replace
    would be tricky) but everybody should stop adding new.
    Do not abuse 'labelsep' for any other purposes. Note that it may not be
    colon in some languages or sites.