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  • Sam Hemelryk's avatar
    backup MDL-22142 Several changes to the backup UI and it's classes as noted below · 4886029c
    Sam Hemelryk authored
        *  backup moodleforms for specific stages are now cached between stage processing and display making it possible to leave all validation up to the bridge.
        * The backup stage now relies entirely on the backup controllers save, load, and check methods + dependency checks rather then previous stage processing to ensure accuracy.
        * filename is now a required field and validated to ensure it ends with .zip and is a valid filename.
        * There is now a previous button for backup stages after the initial and before the complete.
        * The progress bar previous stages are now links as well allowing the user to jump to previous stages (not linked on complete of course).
        * The root settings are only shown on the schema stage now if they were changed because of dependency.
        * Stages are now numbered in the progress bar.
        * The complete page now shows a notice that the backup was complete and provides a continue button to view the backup file.
        * Adds administration blocks to the backup pages.